Tuesday, January 30, 2007


it's like i'm playing games on my own self. .. or more accurately my head's playin them ... things happen that should make me feel good ... yet i don't ... i know it's normally cause i should partially feel some guilt but it spreads further than that ... to other issues .... like a gathering of everything that should make me feel bad ... and it's me who gathers them in my head actually ... wasn't i over this routine?? what got it back???
all day i get huge ideas and feelings and thoughts and i find myself extremely looking forward to come home so i could write them down here on my blog ... but once i sit down with hands on the keyboard .... blank! ... nothing ...
i'm in love yet i'm full of hate
i'm happy yet i'm furious
i'm optimistic but acting suicidal
i'm going round in circles ...
i'm moving forwards then i dash backwards again ...
ma2olna going around in circles why do i have to write it down in a kazillion forms ....
anywayz another ble7' for the night ...

if someone knows an 'OFF' switch for my brain please notify me where i could find it ... even my dreams are becomming too sucky so don't say go to sleep :S

2 more songs added to the list today



Ran said...

ya bango ya 7ashish i can't think of something else :D
afterall if ur brain is off u'll be dead so i dun think it should be off in the first place...
u'll figure a way out of this like we always do ..

Deeeeeee said...

What it all comes down to..
Is that everything's gonna be fine fine fine..
(the way you put your statuses reminded me of the song)
Take some time off.. go somewhere where you can't be found, and answer to no one.. I just did that 2 days ago, and I guess it worked for me and stop letting stuff get to you.. not worth it at all (or bera7tak ya3ni, don't mean to be pushy)